Do You Have a Planning Meeting?

One of the most useful and meaningful meetings I have all week is on Tuesday morning when I meet with Bo (my pastor) to discuss last Sunday and plan for the next. When we are unable to have this meeting, I feel as though the rest of the week is very disorganized and difficult. It brings me peace to know that the plans I have made line up with the plans Bo has made.

Our meeting starts off with a review of last week: What good things should we keep on doing? “The quiet guitar picking during the prayer really worked well.” or “The comments you made during the middle of that song really helped the congregation contemplate what Christ has done for us.” What things can we do better? “The volume on the vocals was too low.” or “There was too much dead time between songs, it would be nice to flow better between them.”  Then we proceed to plan for the next week (or two).

Bo and I are not the only ones in this meeting. We invite anyone on the team to participate if they choose, and we also invite others who we feel are able to give good feedback or contribute good ideas for the service. We recognize that we need others to offer constructive criticism and ideas.

The meetings have really made a difference in the quality of services we have each week. I would encourage you to meet with your pastor each week, or at least communicate via email or phone to discuss the previous week, and plan for the next. It has truly helped us.


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